Daily Archives: February 17, 2012

Next Free Guided Walk: Tuesday at Harrier Meadow

Our next guided walk is Tuesday at Harrier Meadow in North Arlington at 10 a.m. With this wacky weather, who knows what we'll see. We did have a couple of Killdeer and yellowlegs there last week, along with tons of Common Mergs and other duckage.

Here's the (snowy) list from our Harrier walk two years ago (not expecting a shrike this year).

Full info on Tuesday's walk — brought to you by the Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society — follows.

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Neat New Bird-finding Website


Neil Maruca writes:

"From the eBird techtalk blog, an interesting new birding tool showing
rarities in your area.  Looks like it would be useful for planning day
trips…  You can change the center of the search at the top of the map tab."

Also handy for seeing what's hot at DeKorte and elsewhere in the region. Just play around with it a little, and you'll get the hang of it.

The link is here. (Thanks, Neil!)