Daily Archives: May 14, 2014

Do Not Look at this Wilson’s Warbler Photo!

1-IMG_6742Earlier today, this blog asked photographers to try for a photo of one of the Wilson’s Warblers seen at DeKorte today.

Instead, Ron Shields sent us a shot of a Wilson’s Warbler taken in the Kearny Marsh today just before 4 o’clock, along the cinder trail behind Gunnell Oval. So please don’t look at the photo above. It is not from DeKorte.

The original request still stands.

We will send Ron some directions to DeKorte forthwith.

Pet Cockatiel in DeKorte Park

1-2Anyone missing a Cockatiel? Muhammad Faizan reports seeing one yesterday around 6 p.m. in the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve and near the admin building parking lot.

We’ve had no other reports. as yet.  (Thanks, Faizan!)

Wilson’s Warblers, Lincoln’s Sparrows @ DeKorte

1-IMG_9899-002Getting multiple reports of Wilson’s Warblers at DeKorte, including at least one sighting along the Kingsland Overlook, if someone could get us a nice photo….  Thanks!

Thanks to the NYC birder who alerted us to the Lincoln’s Sparrows on the overlook as well, near beginning of trail by guard’s booth. Photo taken this afternoon.  Wilson’s? Lincoln’s?  Sort of presidential…


Meadowlands CSI in Action

1-DSCN9058The call came in one morning in May: Could the Meadowlands CSI team (critter species identification) team identify a tiny mystery bug?

The CSI team, which operates out of the Meadowlands Environment Center’s Science Building, jumped at the opportunity.

After transferring the bug to a glass tube, they placed it under a microscope and photographed it with a smartphone. Diagnosis: a flea, as suspected.

More on the MEC here. (And a big thanks to J.J. Rusher of the MEC for the micro photography.)