Daily Archives: December 23, 2014

2014 in Review: May

1-Baltimore_Oriole_1We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2014, month by month, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed. (Thanks to all!)

Just click on the text to link to the post.

May 5: Tanager, Fox, Rainbow @ DeKorte

May 8: Yoga for Turtles

May 8: Prothonotary Warbler @ DeKorte

May 9: Baltimore Orioles at DeKorte (above)

May 11: Amazing Midge Shots

May 13: Beautiful Kearny Snail

May 16: Token Mammal Shot

May 23: Black Skimmer Count Up To 30+

May 24: Cinnamon Teal @ DeKorte

May 27: Bug Egg Casing Mystery Solved

May 30: Ruddy Turnstone @ DeKorte