Super Bird Sunday Postgame Report

Is this what they call Tuesday-morning quarterbacking?  We’re happy to report that 30 people attended our 6th Annual Super Bird Sunday walk. Prizes were awarded to the first birder to sight a species that has an NFL team named after it. Super Bird Sunday 2015

Don Torino reports:  “We had 30 enthusiastic people join us for Super Bird Sunday, although birding was slower than normal because of the water being frozen. We did get to enjoy three adult bald eagles as well as one immature bird. A Red-Shouldered Hawk gave the folks a thrill as it flew over us on Disposal Road. We also had three lucky prize winners: NJMC tee-shirts and a hat were awarded for sightings of an EAGLE, a CARDINAL and a Green Bay Wood-PACKER!

4 thoughts on “Super Bird Sunday Postgame Report

  1. Mickey & Elaine Raine

    Hey, Lisa . . . It’ll be interesting to see your perspective on things, especially coming from a background of art. We, too, often look at the natural environment and wildlife from an artistic slant, for there is no beauty like that offered in nature. The great thing about places like DeKorte Park and Mill Creek Marsh, not to mention, Mill Creek Point, the Carlstadt River Barge, and Laurel Hill Park, is that the man-made end of the landscape ties in beautifully with the natural surroundings, so even if there are very little in terms of wildlife activity on any particular outing, one can always appreciate the wonderful landscape scenery over the seasons. The “Magic Hour” late in the day, and even early morning, can be quite breathtaking. This month, with snow covering the ground for a large portion of the time, is usually a nice time to see the lovely side of snow, away from the headaches and problems it creates in urban living.

    Mickey & Elaine Raine

  2. Mickey & Elaine Raine

    Don, it was great to hear that 30 folks made it out there. We were hoping to be able to get there in the morning, but circumstances prevented it. It looks like there had been some kids, too, for your walk. That is the future of nature appreciation–if only more adults can encourage children to get out in nature, we would be in good hands . . .

    Mickey & Elaine

  3. Lisa Cameron Post author

    Mickey and Elaine – I agree that the juxtaposition of the urban infrastructure and the tranquil marsh is one of the most fascinating things about meadowlands.


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