Daily Archives: October 4, 2016

Amazing Journey Concludes: The Emergence

Here come the Monarchs! Thanks again to Mickey and Elaine Raine for their great work and fascinating insight through their photos of the Monarch Butterfly’s journey from caterpillar to chrysalis to full-fledged butterfly. Mickey and Elaine saved the caterpillars by request from predatory conditions at several locations and allowed them to undergo the maturation process in their own safehouses before returning them to the wild.

We hope you enjoyed today’s series of posts illuminating this amazing journey.

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The Amazing Journey from Caterpillar to Monarch Butterfly

Over the past month Mickey and Elaine Raine have seen the wonder of nature in action and up-close, specifically the transformation of more than two dozen caterpillars into beautiful butterflies. Mickey and Elaine helped save these caterpillars by request from predatory situations and bringing them to his own backyard.

Throughout the day we’ll be posting his awesome photos that show the amazing journey. We begin with a look at the prep stages for the caterpillars and their entrances into the Monarch safe houses where they would enter the Chrysalis stage.  You’re in for a treat today. This is truly awe-inspiring!


