We had a nice turnout for our first Sunday-of-the-Year Walk at DeKorte Park despite the fog and otherwise less-than-ideal weather — more than 20 people and more than 20 species.
Highlights included two Long-tailed Ducks and a Goldeneye. (Thanks to Julie McCall for the list, Beth Goldberg for the pix, and everyone for participating.)
Full list follows.
Location: Richard W. DeKorte Park
Observation date: 1/2/11
Number of species: 23
Canada Goose X
Gadwall X
American Black Duck 30
Mallard X
Canvasback X
Long-tailed Duck 2
Bufflehead 4
Common Goldeneye 1
Hooded Merganser 1
Common Merganser 2
Red-breasted Merganser 2
Ruddy Duck 12
Northern Harrier 2
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull 1
Great Black-backed Gull 1
Belted Kingfisher 1
Northern Flicker 1
Black-capped Chickadee X
Northern Mockingbird X
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal
Jim, among other birds seen in the Meadowlands pre- and post- walk…
Clay Ave: 1 Greater Yellowlegs, 1 Great Blue Heron
Valley Brook: 1 Killdeer, 9 Wilson's Snipe, 1 Cooper's Hawk
Kearny Marsh: 1 Common Moorhen, 45+ American Coots, a few Swamp Sparrows