Finding a Bird a Day

Woodtyper_color_sm_2x Audubon Magazine's blog, The Perch, has been posting updates about a nifty birding challenge: Several birders nationwide, including NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse and Meadowlands ace birder Chris Takacs, have been trying to see a different bird species a day for as many days as they can, beginning on Jan. 1.

For your own amusement, you could start your own bird-a-day list now and see how long you can keep going. It sounds simple at first, but involves some strategizing — you don't want to "use" a common bird for the bird o' the day unless you are desperate.

The link to Audubon Magazine's blog post by Rene Ebersole (Mike Newhouse is her hubby) explaining all about the contest is here. Her latest post, detailing birds seen so far, is here.

A link to The Perch's main page is here.

Mike Newhouse's list to date follows — most of them are from the Meadowlands.

Date                 Species

1/1/2011          Common Redpoll

1/2/2011          Rough-legged Hawk

1/3/2011          Dark-eyed Junco

1/4/2011          Orange-crowned Warbler

1/5/2011          Greater Scaup

1/6/2011          Snow Bunting

1/7/2011          Red-breasted Merganser

1/8/2011          Red-bellied Woodpecker

1/9/2011          Bald Eagle

1/10/2011        Canvasback

1/11/2011        Horned Lark

1/12/2011        Lesser Scaup

1/13/2011        Common Moorhen

1/14/2011        Hooded Merganser

1/15/2011        Purple Sandpiper

1/16/2011        Red-throated Loon

1/17/2011        Brown Creeper

1/18/2011        Common Merganser

1/19/2011        Downy Woodpecker

1/20/2011        Northern Harrier

1/21/2011        American Coot

1/22/2011        Long-tailed Duck

1/23/2011        Great Cormorant

1/24/2011        Ring-necked Pheasant

1/25/2011        Short-eared Owl

1/26/2011        American Tree Sparrow

1/27/2011        Hairy Woodpecker

1/28/2011        White-crowned Sparrow

1/29/2011        Ring-necked Duck

1/30/2011        Winter Wren

1/31/2011        Peregrine Falcon

2/1/2011          House Finch

2/2/2011          Carolina Wren

2/3/2011          Great Black-backed Gull

2/4/2011          Black Vulture

2/5/2011          Blue Jay

2/6/2011          Horned Grebe

2/7/2011          Red-headed Woodpecker

2/8/2011          Pine Siskin

2/9/2011          Northern Pintail

2/10/2011        Common Goldeneye

2/11/2011        TBD

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