Daily Archives: January 7, 2016

Views of Mill Creek Marsh

Don Torino visited Mill Creek Marsh today and sent us some great photos of cedars, Green-winged Teals and a Great Blue Heron. Hope these photos provide a nice mid-afternoon pick me up!

Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: We Need a Field Guide to Birders!

dekorte dec 2015-1

As the cold weather finally took hold this weekend and birders began to bundle up into unrecognizable bales of hoods, masks, gloves and boots I thought it was time to revitalize an idea had a few years back: A Field Guide to Birders!

As I looked across the marsh at DeKorte Park and saw a group of birders scanning over the Meadows the same as me, I wondered if there was anyone I knew. Were they other Bergen Audubon folks or maybe some old friends I haven’t seen in a while? That is when it came to me , just like it must have come to Edison when he invented the light bulb or when Ron Popeil invented the Chop-O-Matic: what birders really need is not another field guide to the birds. What we really need is a field guide to birders!

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