Having failed miserably in my past efforts at New Year’s Resolutions such as attempting to keep my car cleaner and get my birding books more organized, I hesitate to try to come up with any other attempts to change any of my old habits or ideas in 2016.
After all when you reach my age you are pretty much set in your ways. My car, which is really my BCAS mobile office, just seems to get more cluttered with binoculars, field guides, old coffee cups, garden tools and unidentified food wrappers of various kinds. My trunk is so deep in strange artifacts that only Indiana Jones would be brave enough to venture too far into it at this point.
Even an attempt in years past by a well-meaning and brave volunteer group of friends at organizing the disaster area in my trunk was doomed to failure. Never the less this is the time of year that society has decided for one reason or another that all of us force ourselves to commit to some kind of self-improvement agreement. So far be it from me to stray from tradition but this time I thought I would ask some friends for their Birding resolutions for the New Year and see if they will be more successful than me.