Directions are in the right-hand column of this blog.
The Little Ferry newspaper, Little Ferry Local, has two informative stories about Losen Slote Park this week — an article about Eagle Scout candidate Patrick Carney’s efforts to upgrade the park entrance, and an article about Little Ferry’s grant application.
A link to the story about Patrick is here. The newspaper’s photo of Patrick is above.
A link to the story about the grant application is here.
Why is this the perfect bird for today? (Courtesy of the NJMC’s Mike Newhouse and his band of birder/banders.) Continue reading
On Wednesday, we posted a few sunset shots by Ron Shields, who wrote that Roy Woodford and Mike Maddaloni probably had some cool shots as well.
Roy Woodford responed: “Here’s my take on Sunday’s sunset … the colors were absolutely incredible.”
(Thanks, Roy!) Mike …?
Ron Shields photographed a rare-for-the-region Lark Sparrow this morning at the Carillon area of Disposal Road.
Will post Ron’s pic when it becomes available. In the meantime, posting this poor substitute (Lark Sparrow on right).
(Thanks, Ron!)
More on Lark Sparrows here.