Our next free walk with the Bergen County Audubon Society is Sunday, Nov. 2, at 10 a.m. in Harrier Meadow, North Arlington.
We saw a Bald Eagle there on Tuesday, in addition to the usual suspects.
More information follows.
We had a great walk at Losen Slote (Creek) Park yesterday, featuring a Hermit Thrush convention — apparently they are not hermits after all…
Fourteen folks saw more than 30 species, including three kinds of wobblers, a cameo appeareance by Pine SiskinsĀ (they are moving through the region these days) and a Sharpie (they are moving through the region these days as well).
Full list follows. Continue reading
N.J. birder Rick Radis had a nifty article about Common Ravens in New Jersey on eBird earlier this year, and we somehow missed it. Rick’s article has all sorts of great info — from the bird’s history in the Garden State (including Laurel Hill) to its sometimes zany diet.
The link is here.