Daily Archives: July 16, 2013

Tuesday Teaser 071613

July 13_Eight-spotted Forrester MothSM_4240This guy — photographed recently by Regina Geoghan in Jill’s Garden– is one of our favorites. And he’s a tricky one, in honor of our upcoming Moth Night on Monday, July 22, and Butterfly Day on Sunday, July 28.   Who is he?

More About National Moth Week

IMG_2807With the folks from National Moth Week visiting DeKorte next Monday for our 2nd annual Moth Night, thought we’d pass along this story about the New Jersey-based group.

Here’s a sample, from mycentraljersey.com:

Move over cicadas, moths are taking over for a week.

Much of the insect attention this summer has focused on the noisy cicada’s that have infiltrated parts of New Jersey after being dormant for 17 years. But from July 20 to 28, a much quieter, and arguably more attractive, species will be on display.

Citizen scientists around the world will be setting up white sheets and lights in backyards, woods and fields hoping to spot one or more of the roughly 5,000 species of moths as part of the second annual National Moth Week.

This global science project started last year to encourage the public to observe and document one of nature’s most diverse — and misunderstood — creatures.

Link is here.

The kickoff events for National Moth Week are this Saturday in East Brunswick. You can download the flier for these free events is here: