Monthly Archives: November 2013

Avoid Valley Brook Avenue This Week

Beginning tomorrow (Tuesday, 11/19) through Friday (11/22), the Valley Brook Ave. approach to DeKorte Park and Disposal Road will  undergo significant repairs as the road is excavated, milled and paved.

If you are visiting DeKorte Park or Disposal Road, please use the Schuyler Avenue/Disposal Road alternate route for the remainder of this week.

If you must use Valley Brook, PLEASE proceed with caution… alert, drive slowly and obey the flagman’s instructions. And be aware that Disposal Road will be busier than usual, so please be alert and drive slowly.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Sunday: Cedar Run Owl Show

Louis Dallera OwlThe Meadowlands Environment Center is offering a pretty cool owl show this weekend.

The folks at the Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge are bringing several live rehabbed owls, including  an Eastern Screech Owl.

The refuge sits on 174 wooded acres on the edge of the New Jersey Pinelands.

The refuge includes the Woodford Nature Center, an outdoor housing area with more than 60 native residents, and a wildlife rehabilitation hospital.

The overall mission of the refuge is to serve as a community resource on the importance of protecting and enhancing healthy ecosystems for all.

More info follows Continue reading

Sharpie or Coop?

IMG_8078-002Ah, the age-old question: Is this bird a Sharpie or a Coop — a Sharp-shinned Hawk or a Cooper’s Hawk?

The bird was seen perched briefly near the banding station off Disposal Road late last month.

Seemed like a Sharpie to us. What do you think?

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