Monthly Archives: November 2013

Photos from Laurel Hill from Earlier This Year

Nicholas 1Kristen Nicholas sent along a bunch of dandy pix from Laurel Hill and environs from earlier this year, including a pair of Ospreys at the beginning of the reproduction cycle, and these Northern Harriers above. (Thanks, Kristen!)

Here Are Big Year Totals Through Oct. 31

DSCN9973Here are the tallies as of Oct. 31 in the Meadowlands Big Year contest for 2013.

We have one really tight competition, and a record already — Mike Newhouse has eclipsed last year’s winner, Chris Takacs, by one bird as of 10/31.

Congrats to all for competing. Most of the tallies are up from last year at this time.

We hope you are having fun near to home, and seeing lots of great birds.

Keep in mind that some birders are in the Meadowlands all the time, and others get here occasionally, so their birdage may differ drastically.

If your name’s not on the list and you’d like to compete, please e-mail Jim Wright at jim.wright (at)

Here is the leader board as of  Oct. 31:
1. Mike Newhouse 212 (NJMC, setting a target number for competitors.)
2. Chris Takacs: 205, (2012 reigning champion, ineligible for prizes
in 2013 as a result, lives in district)
3. Ray Duffy, 178 (in district)
4. Jackie DeMarco, 162 (out of district)
5. Mike Wolfe, 161 species (out of district)
5. Dennis Cheeseman, 161 (out of district)
7. Jim Wright,  155  (NJMC staff, along for the ride)
8. Zach Batren, 152 (out of district)
9. Mike Turso 138 (out of district)
10. Rob Fanning 134  (out of district)
11. Oliver Stringham, 130  (in district)
12. Julie McCall, 127 (in district).
12.  Roy Woodford 127 (out of district)

Link to Big Year totals last year at the end of October is here.

Tuesday Teaser-palooza 110513

No one ever said bird IDs were easy.  This guy was photographed at the NJMC’s bird-banding station in late September. Who is he?

This is part of this blog’s nine-week Teaser-palooza competition, open to all.  More on the Teaser-palooza can be found here.

NFL: Week #9

Eagle and distant Jet







Dennis Cheeseman sent this in last week after seeing the post about the National Flight League’s Raven-Falcon match-up at Laurel Hill.

He’s calling this pic a Jets and Eagles match-up along Disposal Road… No worries — the plane was far, far, far away.  (Thanks, Dennis!)

Sunday: Free Harrier Meadow Walk

DSCN7740This Sunday at 10 a.m. is a free guided walk in Harrier Meadow, normally closed to the public.

You’ll also be able to see the new native plant plantings provided by a grant from Bergen County Audubon Society and the National Audubon Society.

(We have been seeing lots of “good birds” in Harrier Meadow this week. See next post below for more.)

Full listing for Sunday’s Harrier Meadow walk follows. Continue reading