Daily Archives: January 19, 2016

Thank You BCAS!!!

NJSEA Supervisor of Park Planning Katy Weidel with BCAS President Don Torino

NJSEA Supervisor of Park Planning Katy Weidel with BCAS President Don Torino

Lyndhurst Nature Reserve

Lyndhurst Nature Reserve

The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority extends a big thank you to the Bergen County Aububon Society for its grant of $5,000 to the NJSEA to be used toward expanding pollinator and songbird habitat plantings at the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve in DeKorte Park!

New native plantings will create nesting and foraging habitats for cardinals, warblers, chickadees, finches, mocking birds, and others. There will be seed producing grasses for birds and host and nectar plants for butterflies.

Plantings (exact selection may vary upon availability) is slated to consist of Native Woody Shrubs: Aronia melanocarpa (Black Chokeberry), Amelanchier canadensis (Shadblow Serviceberry) Cornus racemosa (Gray Dogwood), Cornus sericea (Red-twig Dogwood), Viburnum dentatum (Arrowwood Viburnum) and Ilex verticillata (Winterberry Holly).

Plantings are scheduled to take place in late spring.



Bald Eagle Sighting This Weekend At River Barge Park

Rich Brown writes to us about his Bald Eagle sighting at River Barge Park on Saturday:

I saw a Bald Eagle at River Barge Park [Saturday] morning. It appeared to be a fourth-year eagle with some darkness left across the head.  At first I observed it perched nearby in the trees near the pavilion. I got a photo before it flew across the water and perched on the lone tree out towards the New Jersey Turnpike. The eagle almost looked like an osprey with the dark streak across the eyes.  It was perched for a few minutes before it flew off to the west.