Check out these photos of Great Egrets and a heron that Mickey Raine took at DeKorte Park (the egrets) and Mill Creek Marsh (the herons) last weekend. Always enjoy Mickey’s contributions!
Daily Archives: September 8, 2016
This Past Weekend At DeKorte
Mickey Raine sent a number of cool photos that he and his wife, Elaine, took during a visit to DeKorte last weekend. Love the photos of the two grasshoppers! Mickey reported that there were a great amount of Monarchs all around the park as well as Hummingbird Moths. There’s also some amazing Osprey photos and more that we’ll post later on.
A Bit of Cape May Up North
Saddle Up
Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: The Best Field Guide of All

David Sibley Will Give a Talk on Birding at the Meadowlands Environment Center on Oct. 6 from 7 to 9 p.m.
One of the questions I get asked the most from new birders is, “What is the best field Guide?” That is a pretty tough question to answer, sort of like asking which one of your children is your favorite. An impossible question to answer because, like field guides, there is something special about all of them.