Ron Shields brightens up this gloomy afternoon with a great shot of an adult greater white fronted goose that he spotted mixed in with the Canada geese at River Barge Park today. Thanks Ron!
Monthly Archives: December 2016
Yesterday’s DeKorte Walk
Twenty-five species, including the visiting Lapland Longspur feeding on the Transco Trail with some swallows, Northern Harriers and a Downy woodpecker were seen on a beautiful Meadowlands morning during Bergen County Audubon’s DeKorte walk yesterday. We’ll have more photos soon.
Here’s a complete species list:
25 species (+1 other taxa) total
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Mute Swan |
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Gadwall |
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Mallard |
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Northern Pintail |
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Canvasback |
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Bufflehead |
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Ruddy Duck |
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Northern Harrier |
4 |
Red-tailed Hawk |
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Ring-billed Gull |
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Great Black-backed Gull |
1 |
Belted Kingfisher |
1 |
Downy Woodpecker |
1 |
Hairy Woodpecker |
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Black-capped Chickadee |
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Brown Creeper |
3 |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
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American Robin |
2 |
Northern Mockingbird |
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American Tree Sparrow |
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White-throated Sparrow |
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Song Sparrow |
1 |
sparrow sp.Lapland Longspur feeding on the Transco trail with Song Sparrows. |
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Northern Cardinal |
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House Finch |
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American Goldfinch |
Snow Geese Gallery
Tomorrow: DeKorte Nature Walk!
Don’t miss the last Bergen County Audubon Society Meadowlands Nature Walk of the year at DeKorte Park tomorrow, Dec. 20, from 10 am to noon. They’ll be looking for wintering birds and raptors. Then come right back to DeKorte to ring in 2017 with a New Year’s Day walk, also from 10 am to noon, on Sunday, Jan. 1.
For more info: or 201-230-4983.
Reminder: DeKorte Nature Walk Next Tuesday (Dec. 20)!
Don’t miss the last Bergen County Audubon Society Meadowlands Nature Walk of the year at DeKorte Park next Tuesday, Dec. 20, from 10 am to noon. They’ll be looking for wintering birds and raptors. Then come right back to DeKorte to ring in 2017 with a New Year’s Day walk, also from 10 am to noon, on Sunday, Jan. 1.
For more info: or 201-230-4983.
Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: The Mysterious Brown Creeper
Although the title sounds like a 1930s horror movie, the Brown Creeper is one of the most charming little birds you might never see unless you look really hard.
The very first Brown Creeper I ever saw was many years ago in Teterboro woods. While taking a fall stroll out of the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was a brown leaf falling to the ground. But as I took a closer look the leaf, what turned out to be a tiny brown bird started to walk up the tree head first.
Congratulations Cora LoPresti!
This morning the Meadowlands Conservation Trust presented Wood-Ridge resident Cora LoPresti with a Certificate of Appreciation for Environmental Stewardship in recognition of her outstanding volunteer work over the past year to help wetlands and wildlife in the Meadowlands. Cora’s efforts helped her earn the prestigious Girl Scout Gold Award.
Cora, now a first-year student at Rutgers University, was a Wood-Ridge High School senior earlier this year when she enlisted her fellow students and community members to build much-needed tree swallow bird boxes and organized a volunteer cleanup of the Skeetkill Creek Marsh, a critical wetlands property in Ridgefield. Cora was advised by the Meadowlands Conservation Trust on her projects.
Congratulations Cora!
DeKorte Nature Walk Next Tuesday (Dec. 20)!
Don’t miss the last Bergen Audubon Meadowlands Nature Walk of the year at DeKorte next Tuesday, Dec. 20, from 10 am to noon. They’ll be looking for wintering birds and raptors. Then come right back to DeKorte to ring in 2017 with a New Year’s Day walk, also from 10 am to noon, on Sunday, Jan. 1.
For more info: or 201-230-4983.