Idia Moth
Despite the heavy wind keeping the moths at bay, Tuesday evening’s Moth Night at DeKorte Park was a great success! How can that be, you ask? Some 150 visitors were treated to an engaging presentation by Flo Rutherford of the Bergen County Audubon Society and an informative talk by Dr. Elena Tartaglia of National Moth Week.
Kids participated in indoor and outdoor activities and learned which type of caterpillars turn into which butterflies and more.
Though only a couple moths were seen due to the heavy winds, everyone had fun outside searching for the moths and we received many complements on the program. The moth pictured above landed on one of the trees painted with a mixture provided by the BCAS of sugar, maple syrup, honey and other ingredients to attract moths. It was great to see a record number of families attending.
Thank you everyone for coming out and to the Bergen County Audubon Society for their hard work in making the program a success!
Here’s a photo gallery from Moth Night 2018
