Monthly Archives: July 2018

Moth Night Is Tonight! (July 24)

The wait is over! Tonight is Moth Night, Tuesday, July 24, from 8:30 to 10 pm at DeKorte Park. In case of rain, we will still be holding a talk about moths by the Bergen County Audubon Society inside. You’ll learn the importance of these amazing, lesser-known cousins of butterflies and gain a new perspective on the misunderstood creatures and how they benefit the environment.

If the weather holds up there will be kids activities outside, including painting trees to attract moths and a scavenger hunt.

If you have any questions please call 201-460-4619.

Awesome Butterfly Day Video/Story in Today’s Record!

The countdown is on to Butterfly Day this Sunday, July 29, from 10 am to 3 pm at DeKorte Park. There’s a great story with a video on the festival in today’s Record featuring NJSEA Naturalist Gaby Bennett-Meany and BCAS President Don Torino!

To read the story and watch the video click here

Bergen Audubon and the authority will co-host their ninth annual Butterfly Day, open to the public, at DeKorte Park on July 29 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event includes butterfly walks, talks, onsite experts to help identify the various butterflies and free activities for children, including a scavenger hunt, face painting, and a butterfly costume contest for those 12 and under.

To register for the free event and for more info click here


For more info and registration click here

The Terns Have It

Least and Forster’s Terns

As promised here are some more fantastic photos taken by Joe Koscielney on Tuesday’s BCAS walk at DeKorte. All about the Least and Forster’s Terns today!

Least Tern

Least Tern

Least Tern

Immature Forster’s Tern

Forster’s Tern

Forster’s Tern

Up, Up and Away

Forster’s Tern

Joe Koscielny got some great photos during Tuesday’s Bergen Audubon walk at DeKorte Park, including these Terns in flight and more. More photos from Joe to come!

Least Tern

Forster’s Tern

Great Egret

Mallard and Ducklings

House Sparrow


Getting Wild in DeKorte

Three images of native USA wildflowers in bloom in pollinator garden patches in the New Jersey Meadowlands at Richard W. DeKorte Park.

Regina Geoghan sent in these beautiful wildflower photos she took yesterday at DeKorte.

Regina writes: The wildflower pollinator patches are blooming beautifully and adding cheerful color to the DeKorte Landscape.  Kudos to Gabby-Bennett-Meany and her landscape workers for all of their hard work to make this happen and also to Don Torino and the Bergen County Audubon Society for  the support provided for milkweed and other plantings.

Thanks Regina!

Two images of native flowers in bloom in pollinator patch areas of Richard W. DeKorte Park in the New Jersey Meadowlands.

Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: The 9th Annual Butterfly Day Celebrates the Meadowlands Comeback

Growing up in the New Jersey Meadowlands I witnessed firsthand some of the worse things that man can do to his environment. But over the years I have also watched our Meadowlands return from the brink of annihilation, transformed from a place that was once thought by some better left for dead to one of the most incredible environmental come back stories in my lifetime.

Not only a New Jersey success story but a shining example of what can be accomplished nationwide when enough people care to do the right thing. Butterfly Day at DeKorte Park on Sunday July 29th is a true celebration of that triumphant return.

Continue reading

Reminder Moth Night Is Next Tuesday July 24 at DeKorte Park!

Gypsy Moth

Don’t forget to register for Moth Night!  The free event takes place on Tuesday, July 24, from 8:30 to 10 p.m. The program features a talk by moth expert Elena Tartaglia on the importance of these amazing, lesser-known cousins of butterflies. You’ll gain a new perspective on the misunderstood creatures and how they benefit the environment.

We’ve also got kids activities both during and after the talk, including a moth scavenger hunt and painting trees to attract moths. The event is sponsored by the NJSEA and the Bergen County Audubon Society and is part of National Moth Week.

To register click here

Morning Swim


Thanks to Dennis Cheeseman for these photos to start this beautiful day taken earlier this morning! All photos were taken at DeKorte Park except for the Osprey, which was taken at River Barge Park.

Least and Forsters Terns

Black-crowned Night Heron

Juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron

Osprey With Morning Catch