White-throated Sparrows
One of the first things I learned about restoring native butterfly habitat is that birds don’t read signs very well. Despite all the plaques proclaiming a garden to be for butterflies, Monarch way stations or even a pollinator garden our birds know a good thing when they see one. They utilize our native gardens just as much as our butterflies do whether they are in places like DeKorte Park or our very own backyard.
At a time of year when we think we are putting our butterfly gardens to bed and focusing our attentions elsewhere migratory birds are taking over our gardens occupied only a few weeks ago by Swallowtails, skippers and Monarchs.
The nectar in our butterfly gardens for the most is long gone now. Our butterflies now prepare their life cycle for the far off coming Spring. Now the fall browns, reds and golds substitute the brilliant colors of the summer. But make no mistake: those hues of the fall butterfly garden signal survival to many migratory birds that will now depend on them through the coming hard winter.
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