The Bergen County Audubon Society is seeking nominations for its first annual Dick Ensberg Teacher Appreciation Award. Formerly the BCAS Teacher Appreciation Award, the recognition was renamed to honor the memory of a beloved former board member, longtime avid birder, educator and mentor to many.
Know of a teacher who goes above and beyond to connect their students to nature and the environment? Why not nominate them for our First Annual BCAS Dick Engsberg Teacher Appreciation Award. Nominations accepted beginning 2/1/19, deadline for nominations 3/31/19, winner announced 4/15/19. The award will be presented to the winner at our June chapter meeting on 6/19/19. Please submit nominations to Marie Longo, P.O. Box 235, Paramus, NJ 07653 or MLongo8383@aol.com. Nominations should include teacher name, school, grade(s), teacher phone number and email address and reason(s) you are nominating them.