This Mallard is looking good with another photo for its portfolio. Thanks to Dennis Cheeseman for these great photos taken at lunchtime today at DeKorte Park!

This Mallard is looking good with another photo for its portfolio. Thanks to Dennis Cheeseman for these great photos taken at lunchtime today at DeKorte Park!
Some 35 people gathered at DeKorte Park Easter morning for a nature walk led by the Bergen County Audubon Society. They did not find any Easter Eggs but were treated to a Bald eagle, Osprey, Bufflehead and Northern Shovelers!
Don’t miss the next BCAS Meadowlands walk, on Sunday, May 5, from 10 am to noon at Losen Slote Creek Park and the Mehrhof Pond Wildlife Observation Area, both in Little Ferry. Losen Slote is one of the Meadowlands’ last remaining parcels of lowland forest and Mehrhof Pond is a fantastic area to observe birds and waterfowl. Info: Don Torino at greatauk4@gmail.com or 201-230-4983.