Fantatsic photos by Dennis Cheeseman of an adult Forster’s Tern feeding its young. Taken at lunchtime today at DeKorte Park. Thanks Dennis!

Fantatsic photos by Dennis Cheeseman of an adult Forster’s Tern feeding its young. Taken at lunchtime today at DeKorte Park. Thanks Dennis!
Don’t forget to join us for Moth Night at DeKorte Park on Tuesday, July 23, from 8:30 to 10:30 pm. Our annual Moth Night is part of National Moth Week, which promotes a better understanding of the importance of these amazing, lesser-known cousins of butterflies.
We’ll have a talk by a moth expert and then venture out into DeKorte Park where we’ll be attracting moths using industrial lights and sugar bait. Don’t forget to bring bug spray! Moth Night is co-sponsored by the Bergen County Audubon Society and the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority.
For questions, contact info@njsea.com