A big thank you from the NJSEA to the Bergen County Audubon Society for their generous donation of $5,550 to fund the Kingsland Overlook Tree Restoration Project in DeKorte Park. BCAS President Don Torino presented the check to Gabrielle Bennett-Meany at last night’s BCAS meeting. Gabrielle oversees DeKorte Park.
The Kingsland Overlook Tree Restoration Project will reestablish a variety of native trees. New trees will be purchased with a 1 ½ to 2 ½ caliper that measure approximately 12 feet in height. Species may include Serviceberry, Gray Birch, Eastern Redbud, Tulip, Hawthorn, and Black Cherry.
Thank you once again BCAS!!!
Our Thanks to all our very generous BCAS members that make projects like this possible !
Congratulations Gaby – you will do wonderful things with this gift. And thanks Don and BCAS. Love the park and always happy to see improvements and support to nature’s beauty there.
Such a beautiful legacy.