DeKorte Variety Pack (Part 3 of 3) Red-winged Blackbird Here’s today’s final fantastic batch of photos taken at DeKorte by Mickey Raine. Have a great night everyone! Ruddy Duck Ruddy Duck
DeKorte Park and Mill Creek Marsh Variety Pack (Part 2 of 3) Northern Shoveler Here’s part two of Mickey Raine’s Easter basket of great photos taken at DeKorte Park and Mill Creek Marsh. Thanks again Mickey! Cardinal Green-winged Teal Green-winged Teal Green-winged Teal
DeKorte Variety Pack Part 1 of 3 White-throated Sparrow We’ll be highlighting a great selection of DeKorte fauna and flora today, all taken this month by Mickey Raine. Thanks Mickey! American Robin Tree Swallows Tree Swallow Daffodils Crocus Crocus Crocus