Monthly Archives: May 2018

Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: Wildlife Could Use a Break: From Us

As conservationists and nature lovers we are all very much concerned about the future of our birds and of course all of our wildlife. Climate change, habitat loss and pollution top the list of issues that keep us up at night worrying if future generations will get to enjoy nature the way we have.

But at the same time I see things that many folks do every day that just seems to turn a blind eye to the wildlife that tries so very hard every day to survive right around our own neighborhoods.  Somehow, we have managed to disconnect ourselves from the rest of the world believing that what we do at home does not affect the overall ecosystem, but in reality it very much does and the future of many species may ultimately depend on how we conduct ourselves in and around our own backyard.

So If you are ready for a little tough love please continue reading.

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BCAS Nature Walk at DeKorte Park This Sunday June 3!


Join the Bergen County Audubon Society this Sunday, June 3, for a guided nature walk through DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst! It’s a great opportunity to experience the Meadowlands’ natural beuaty in its premier park. They’ll also be on the lookout for spring migrants, flycatchers and shorebirds.

The walk goes from 10 am to noon.

For more information contact Don Torino at or 201-230-4983

Has George Returned?

Reports started coming in Friday evening of sightings of an American White Pelican at DeKorte Park. Could this be George, the same Pelican that graces the park every year? I’m guessing yes.

American White Pelicans are a westen species and their range map has them breeding in Wyoming, the Dakotas, Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan. So seeing George is a special treat. Thanks to Chris Takacs for these photos taken over the weekend!

Thank You Spectrum For Living!

Many thanks to the Spectrum for Living ATC groups who donated beautifully decorated Tree Swallow Nest Boxes to the NJSEA yesterday! Authority naturalists placed the boxes in DeKorte Park and the birds immediately took to them.

Participating were Westwood ATC, Carver ATC, Ringwood ATC, Teaneck ATC, North Haledon ATC and Edison ATC. The NJSEA thanks you all for your great work!

Awards were given out for the following categories:

Best Overall – North Haledon ATC

Best Architecture – Ringwood ATC

Most Detailed – Edison ATC

Most Colorful – Carver ATC

Most Seasonal – Westwood ATC



Moth Night Is Coming!

Gypsy Moth

Don’t forget to register for Moth Night!  The free event takes place on Tuesday, July 24, from 8:30 to 10 p.m. The program features a talk by moth expert Elena Tartaglia on the importance of moths, the amazing, lesser-known cousins of butterflies. You’ll gain a new perspective on these misunderstood creatures and how they benefit the environment.

We’ve also got kid’s activities both during and after the talk, including painting trees to attract moths. The event is sponsored by the NJSEA and the Bergen County Audubon Society and is part of National Moth Week.

To register click here