Daily Archives: March 6, 2009

Of Redtails and Redwings

As the Meadowlands warm again, the Red-tails have become the dominant raptor in and around DeKorte Park.

  Yes, a Harrier or two can be seen patrolling the meadows and marshes, but the Red-tails can be seen perched all over — on trees, posts and radio towers. 

   The Rough-legged Hawks are now fewer and farther between, and Snowy Owl sightings have become increasingly rare.

   As you look across the fields and impoundments, the sounds of Red-winged Blackbirds fills the air. The males call from the tops of phrags and from slender tree branches everywhere. 

   More than anything else, this is the sound of spring here.

    As the impoundments thaw, the waterfowl are coming back — with Green-winged Teal and Pintails a-plenty.

   It's finally March, and the marshes are reawakening from their winter slumber.