The lost communities on the Hackensack River

HR Bridge closing-1
    As we prepared for our talk in East Rutherford tonight (7 p.m., Civic Center, Vreeland Avenue), a Secaucus resident gave us a 75-year-old newspaper clipping about a bridge across the Hackensack River that once connected Secaucus with East Rutherford and Carlstadt.
   The drawbridge, which included a roadway and trolley tracks, connected Paterson Plank Road on both sides of the river.

    The bridge was deemed obsolete by the War Department and the State Highway Commission when the Route 3 Bridge was completed a mile to the South.

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   The impact was immediate to the communities by the bridge on both sides of the river. Stores closed, boat clubs lost members, and land values plummeted.

  One of the hardest hit was Mother Hansen's Place, a combination restaurant, general store and roadside stanIMG_2586d, which had been in business since 1899.
   The nephew of the owner of told the Herald-News: "Minnie wouldn't have lost any more business if the place had burned to the ground."
   Paterson Plank Road was built atop an old Indian trail that ran from Paterson to Hoboken.

    If you look at the end of Paterson Plank Road in East Rutherford/Carlstadt, you can still see the cobblestones that replaced the original planks.

5 thoughts on “The lost communities on the Hackensack River

  1. Richard

    I have been searching for a pic of the Paterson plank road bridge….And cannot find any ….if someone can help it would be appreciated….I have also been looking for pics of the Berries creek canal dig….such popular things yet I have found zero pics.Im also wondering is that a pic of the bridge from a vehicles view in this article…any information would be greatly appreciated Email address Thanks


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