The Earth Week sneaker recycling program has been extended through this weekend at DeKorte Park's Meadowlands Environment Center. If you're thinking of visiting, don't forget to bring those ol' wheels with you.
Daily Archives: April 23, 2010
Bird Report 042310
Ray Duffy reports:
"I birded Schmidt's Woods in Secaucus this a.m. [Friday] between 8 and 9. Lots of White-crowned Sparrows singing and Eastern Towhees. I had an Black-and-white Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warblers and a probable Orange-crowned."
As for the Laurel Hill Common ravens, Ray has posted pix here and a video here. (Thanks, Ray!)
Tuesday’s Harrier Walk: The Full List
We had another great Harrier Meadow Walk on Tuesday, kicked off by a bird-banding demonstration by NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse. The highlight: a banded Northern Flicker.
We had 30 walk participants of all ages, and nearly 40 species of bird. All in all, a great April day.
Full list (Thanks, Beth!) and a group shot on the jump.