Daily Archives: November 30, 2010

Tuesday Teaser 113010


See anything unusual about this photo, taken in Losen Slote Creek Park last week?

We saw a dragonfly zipping around, then land, but we couldn't find him. It was like looking for a darning needle in a haystack, so to speak. So we took a photo of where he was supposed to be.

Sometimes what you're looking for was right in front of you all along. (Sorry, but I think we're lapsing into "The Wizard of Oz.")

Close-up of the shot above follows (it's worth the click).

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Oriole Nest


We finally figured out one major reason why we were getting Baltimore Orioles at the birdbath at DeKorte Park's butterfly garden. The birds had one of their amazing basket-like nests right next door, on a tree over the roadway maybe 15 yards away.

Which answers NJMC Staffer Jack Snipe's longtime question: Why is there a birdbath in the butterfly garden?  (Because of the B.O. — Baltimore Oriole.)

Link to post with shot of Baltimore Oriole at the birdbath is here.