Daily Archives: December 8, 2010

Raven, Disposal Road, Yesterday

Disposal Road (near DeKorte IMG_8193-2Park, home to the Amvet Carillon) is a great place to spend a lunch hour. Just ask the Common Raven at the right.

Yesterday  we saw this guy hanging out on one of the power-line towers, eating its lunch, and it promptly flew.  (You can sort of see the meal in its mouth).

Then again, no one likes having their picture taken while they are eating.

We also had another Red-shouldered Hawk above Disposal Road, although its meal status was unclear.

We now have had more views of Red-shouldereds in the past four days (three), than we had in the past two-and-a-half years (one) in the Meadowlands.

All were seen in the vicinity of Disposal Road.

For a South Bergenite column about Disposal Road, occasional birding capital of the Meadowlands, click here.