(Editor's Note: Here's a possible preview of Sunday's Raptor Walk along Disposal Road.)
Mike Girone writes:
Apologies for the lateness of this.
Spent much of last Friday afternoon on Disposal Road. The usual cast of characters (both human and avian) was present, especially later in the afternoon. We watched at least 2 Northern Harriers patrolling the landfill (they never got along with each other).
A few fiesty American Kestrels were present, as was an adult Cooper's Hawk. Also seen was a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk (a Northern Harrier escorted it along), and a juvenile Peregrine Falcon that landed in one of the Kestrels' trees atop the landfill, much to the annoyance of one kestrel in particular.
It chased the larger falcon off, and escorted it over the retention pond (the Peregrine ended up atop a nearby high-tension tower). Beautiful weather that day was capped off by a beautiful sunset.
As Ron Shields recently said, in light of recent events, it's good to see the nice side of nature again. (Thanks, Mike!)
Tomorrow: Disposal Road Raptor Dogfight
Friday: Recent Disposal Road Bald Eagle
More pix follow.
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