While it’s not quite summertime, the livin’ is easy at Mill Creek Marsh.
Katy Weidel reports this morning: “Fox getting fat, carp dancing in the water & lots of geese honking & hissing…”
- Fat fox?
- Carp, cavorting.
- A gaggle of geese.
While it’s not quite summertime, the livin’ is easy at Mill Creek Marsh.
Katy Weidel reports this morning: “Fox getting fat, carp dancing in the water & lots of geese honking & hissing…”
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative recently set a world record by organizing one of the largest tree-planting events ever. On May 20, 2015, volunteers planted more than 200,000 trees at 28 sites, spanning from New York City to Vancouver Island, British Columbia. More than 1000 volunteers worked in groups of 25-100 to accomplish this daunting feat.
Read more about the event and about the Sustainable Forestry Initiative here.
“The Anthropocene Era refers to the period of time humans have had a measurable global impact on Earth’s ecosystems. Though it’s clear we’re currently living in it, scientists have long debated when exactly this epoch of human dominance over the planet first began.
Did it start with the advent of agriculture around 10,000 years ago? With the Industrial Revolution? With the first explosions of nuclear weapons in the 1940s? As it turns out, new data suggests it may have actually started in the year 1610.” Read more by Bryan Nelson on Mother Nature Network here.
Or try this 2013 article from Smithsonian here.