Monthly Archives: June 2016

Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: There Are No Bad Birds


This time of year more than any other, I get bombarded with comments regarding so called “Bad Birds”: The birds that steal other birds eggs, eat all your bird seed and have the unmitigated nerve  to poop on your patio furniture.

According to some well-meaning, so called nature lovers birds are put in two categories. There are the so called “GOOD” birds, you know, the ones that are so sweet and kind that flit around the backyard for no other reason to make us feel good, the very same birds we could just kiss  on their little beaks. Then there are the “BAD EVIL BIRDS,”  the ones that have the sheer audacity to eat other birds or rob nestlings right out of your backyard birdhouse and according to some are “just plain mean bullies.”

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BCAS Eco-Art Awards Ceremony at MEC This Saturday


The Bergen County Audubon Society invites the public to join them at their annual Annual Eco-art Awards Ceremony this Saturday, June 4, at 2 p.m. at the Meadowlands Environment Center in DeKorte Park.

The BCAS will be celebrating the artwork with an environmental message created by students in Grades 1-6 from five local schools. The works will be on display during the ceremony.

For more information email or call 201-230-4983.


Flora and Fauna

Mickey Raine visited Mill Creek Marsh and DeKorte Park over the weekend and got some great shots of flora and fauna, below, for your viewing pleasure!

Multiflora Rose Mill Creek Marsh

Multiflora Rose Mill Creek Marsh

Yellow Warbler Mill Creek Marsh

Yellow Warbler Mill Creek Marsh

Dianthus - Sweet William Mill Creek Marsh

Dianthus – Sweet William Mill Creek Marsh

Dianthus Sweet William Mill Creek Marsh

Dianthus Sweet William Mill Creek Marsh

Marsh Wren DeKorte Park

Marsh Wren DeKorte Park

Greater Yellowlegs DeKorte Park

Greater Yellowlegs DeKorte Park