Steve Ceragno had a good birding weekend at DeKorte. Steve reports: The Hawks were providing the Tricks this weekend! The Red Tails were going at it over Disposal Road and there was 5 Harriers at one point in the afternoon. DeKorte provided the treats with a lovely, warm afternoon, and a visit from a Savannah Sparrow.
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Pics from Yesterday’s Harrier Meadow Walk
Rewards for Those Who Defy Bad Weather
Those who came out for yesterday’s Harrier Meadow walk despite the nasty weather were treated to some great birding. From numerous raptors, gulls and herons to kinglets and sparrows, 34 species were seen! Join the Bergen County Audubon Society for their next Meadowlands nature walk on Sunday, Nov. 6, at Mill Creek Marsh in Secaucus from 10 am to noon. Below is the species list. We’ll have some pics in a bit.
Northern Pintail
Green-winged Teal
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Mourning Dove
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Peregrine Falcon
Blue Jay
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Palm Warbler (Western)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
Field Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
House Finch
American Goldfinch
Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: Announcing the 7th Annual “BCAS/Harold Feinberg Conservation Award” Winners 2016
One of my great pleasures leading Bergen Audubon as the President has been the opportunity to meet so many devoted, hardworking and caring people in many small communities around Bergen County that are committed to conservation and making the environment a better place, not only for the wildlife but also for their entire community.
These unsung heroes have given of themselves with little recognition and often with personal sacrifice. So it is in their honor that we are proud to announce our winners of the 7th annual “Bergen County Audubon/Harold Feinberg Conservation Award.”
This award is named in honor of Harold Feinberg, our long-time member and field trip chairman for many years. Harold has been a mentor, an enthusiastic supporter of our endeavors, and has always given freely of his expertise with a combination of patience and knowledge that few possess.
This year’s winners are:
Seedling Donations Are Much Appreciatied!
A big thank you to Lyndhurst resident Aaron Hotchkiss, who recently donated dozens of oak seedlings and several Red Maple seedlings to the NJSEA. The oak seedlings sprouted from acorns that had been lying in the ground in his grandmother’s backyard and were exposed to the sun after Aaron removed a tree for safety reasons.
After coming across so many seedlings, Aaron wanted to find a good home for them, and we were happy to accept! They’ll be planted at DeKorte Park next week.
Thank you once again Aaron!
Meadowlands Wetlands Research
There’s Still Time to Register for Thursday’s Halloween at the Meadowlands!
Tickets are now on sale for the NJSEA’s annual Halloween at the Meadowlands, which this year takes place on Thursday, Oct. 27, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst.
The kid’s event is all treats and no tricks, with games, crafts, and activities throughout the evening, including hayrides and the Witch’s Den.
Take your kids on the “Historical Figures of the Meadowlands” Not-So Spooky Walk where they’ll meet the Pirates who inhabited the region in the 1600s, Muskrat Trappers, Pig Farmers and other distinctive figures that give the Meadowlands its unique personality.
Registration is required and tickets are $8 per person. Walks are recommended for children ages 5-12 and last approximately 30-40 minutes. When registering, please select your “Not-So-Spooky Walk” time slot, but don’t forget to come early and enjoy all the activities!
To register, click here
Reminder: Harrier Meadow Walk This Thursday Oct. 27!
Don’t miss an opportunity to explore the Harrier Meadow natural area in North Arlington at this Thursday’s (Oct. 27) Bergen County Audubon Society Meadowlands Nature Walk. The 70-acre natural area is normally closed to the public. We’ll be looking for warblers, flycatchers, shorebirds, egrets and other fall migrants.
The walk is from 10 am to noon. Harrier Meadow is located off Disposal Road. For more info email or call 201-230-4983.
Mill Creek Marsh Stunning in Autumn

A view from a path in the Mill Creek Marsh area of the New Jersey Meadowlands of autumn toned marsh grasses and shrubs and the trees of Schmidt’s Woods in the background.
Regina Geoghan sent these absolutely gorgeous photos from Mill Creek Marsh over the weekend. A great way to start the week. Enjoy!

A vertical format view of a path at Mill Creek Marsh in the NJ Meadowlands with golden foliage on the featured tree and covering the path.
Harrier Meadow Walk Next Thursday Oct. 27!
Don’t miss an opportunity to explore the Harrier Meadow natural area in North Arlington at next Thursday’s (Oct. 27) Bergen County Audubon Society Meadowlands Nature Walk. The 70-acre natural area is normally closed to the public. We’ll be looking for warblers, flycatchers, shorebirds, egrets and other fall migrants.
The walk is from 10 am to noon. Harrier Meadow is located off Disposal Road. For more info email or call 201-230-4983.