Daily Archives: September 14, 2017

Morning Highlights From DeKorte


Good birding at DeKorte this morning. Chris Takacs reports that among the species sighted were 4 Soras, 2 Adult, 2 juveniles, along Marsh Discovery Trail; numerous sandpipers including Semi-palmated Sandpipers, Short-billed Dowitchers, Yellowlegs, Least Sandpipers, Semi-palmated Sandpiper; Peregrine Falcon and American White Pelican

Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: Meadowlands Birding Festival – A Celebration of Life

peregrine falcon

The New Jersey Meadowlands has been my home for almost all my life. Growing up birding and exploring this very special place has given me a wonderful, unique childhood and blessed me with the love of nature that will be with me always.

To say the least it has meant so very much to me that I have had the honor and privilege of helping to pass on what I love by leading nature walks in the Meadowlands for going on 10 years. Bergen County Audubon Society’s partnership with the NJ Meadowlands Commission and now the NJSEA has allowed us to introduce people to the wonders of the Meadowlands like never before.

The comeback of New Jersey Meadowlands is one of the most amazing environmental success stories in the country – from a place which was once left for dead and suffered some of the worse environmental abuses that could be imagined to today have become one of the best urban birding places in the United States. An achievement very much worth celebrating. On Saturday, October 7th Bergen County Audubon Society and the NJSEA will hold the Meadowlands Birding Festival, an event long overdue.

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