Monthly Archives: January 2022

Nominations Open for BCAS Dick Engsberg Teacher/Educator Appreciation Award!

Know of a teacher or educator who connects their students to nature and the environment? Nominate them for the Fourth Annual BCAS Dick Engsberg Teacher Appreciation Award. Deadline for nominations is 3/31/22 and the winner will be announced the first week of April. The award will be presented to the winner at the BCAS June chapter meeting. Nominations should include teacher name, school, grade(s), teacher phone number and email address, and reason(s) you are nominating them. Please submit nominations to Marie Longo, Education Chair ,

BCAS President Don Torino’s Book of Meadowlands Columns Available Now!

BCAS President Don Torino has graced this page with many of his insightful, poignant, emotive and educational columns over the years. Now Don has collected 35 of his essays in his new book, “Life in the Meadowlands.” The book is available at cost here and will soon be ready in Ebook form.

Congratulations Don on this wonderful accomplishment!