Check out this great story on northjersey.com about the surge in bird watching since the pandemic began, why now is the perfrect time to begin being a bird watcher and tips to attract birds to your home. Check it out here
Check out this great story on northjersey.com about the surge in bird watching since the pandemic began, why now is the perfrect time to begin being a bird watcher and tips to attract birds to your home. Check it out here
Thanks for your sharing. I came across the site you mentioned. It is interesting. and yes, I feel like I have more time during the pandemic. I can spend more time with my family and especially more time for my hobby and passion, which is bird watching. Most of the time I watch birds in my garden and it makes me feel freer, more optimistic during such stressful times due to Covid 19. I think people will think the same, and that’s why there’s been an increase in birdwatching since the pandemic started.