Author Archives: NJMC

Tuesday Teaser 061113

Saw this tree on Edith Wallace's guided nature walk at DeKorte Park on DSCN9575Sunday but not sure we caught the ID.

Does anybody know what it is?  

The tree, with the low branch pictured above, is on the right near the beginning of the Kingsland Overlook Trail.

Photo of hopefully ample sample is included.

Ray Duffy: Clapper Rail at Mill Creek Marsh

Ray Duffy writes:

"I got a Clapper Rail in Mill Creek Marsh on Sunday. 

"They seemed to have moved into this area this year — I've had repeated calling clappers at the Point.

"I photographed this one, who waited until he thought I was gone to come out of the grass — and I'm not sure if I didn't hear another as I was looping toward the water treatment plant."

Thanks, Ray, These guys are rare to see, let alone photograph so well.


Ridgefield Park Eaglet Videos

The two eaglets are getting mighty big and ready to fly.

Jill Homcy writes:

Here are the three links to vids I took Sunday morning. Please excuse the  
camera shake…

(Thanks, Jill!)

Mickey Raine’s Awesome Black Skimmer Shots

IMG_7577 B Black Skimmer 014 MCM Mdwlnds NJ Twilight 060913 OK

Mickey Raine writes: "Yesterday evening while at the Mill Creek Marsh, Liberty, Jeanie, Elaine and I were fortunate enough to observe the spectacular aerial acrobats, the Black Skimmers. 

In all, there were between 9 and 10, but flying mostly alone or in pairs.  The sun had just about set, but left a wonderful streak that continued to change in tones. 

This added dimension made the experience so much more fascinating as these beautiful creatures would swoop down and glide inches above the water surface. 

They did manage to catch plenty of fish–those photos will come later, but I just wanted to send a few for now. 

Although the lighting was rapidly waning, the mood was incredible . . .

Thanks, Mickey! Two more of Mickey's photos follow.

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Yesterday’s Nifty Nature Walk

We had beautiful weather and a wonderful turnout for our annual tree and plant walk with the inimitable Edith Wallace (center, with straw hat).

_MVB8148-02Edith asked that we let you know that the book she was recommending  is "Tree Finder," a pocket manual for identification of trees by their leaves. Edith says that Watts is author.

A big thank you to all our participants, and even larger shout-out to Edith, who was her usual terrific and illuminating self!

The photo on left is Marco Van Brabant's shot of Edith in action. (Thanks, Marco!)

Edith's guided walk on Sunday morning was sponsored by the Bergen County Audubon Society and the N.J. Meadowlands Commission.


Young Nature Art Winners from Kearny!

Kearny art 1
Two of the winners of Conserve Wildlife Foundation's Species on the Edge Art and Essay Contest are Kelly Lu (Ist place, Hudson County) and  Madina Ruzehaji (2nd place, Hudson County) of the Lincoln School in Kearny.

Kelly wrote about (and painted a portrait of) a Silver-bordered Fritillary (above). Madina wrote about (and painted a portrait of) a Piping Plover (below).

You can read Kelly's essay here.

You can read Madina's essay here.

More about the contest here.

Congrats to Kelly and all the other winners!

Plover art

Two events this Sunday: Native-Plant Walk, Plus

We have two free events on Sunday.

Our next free guided walk is  from 10 a.m. to noon in DeKorte Park, featuring the legendary Edith Wallace (above), botanist extraordinaire.  This has become an annual event, with Edith illuminating us on all sorts of topics.

Nature of Meadowlands cover lg-002In the afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m., NJMC staffer Jim Wright (who maintains this blog) will be participating in BooksNJ2013 at the Paramus Public Library. At 4 p.m., Jim, who wrote and took many of the photographs for the NJMC's "The Nature of the Meadowlands,"  will be part of a panel discussion with Tom Yezerski, author of "Meadowlands, a Wetlands Survival Story." We'll be in the "Gotta Get Back to the Garden (State) Tent. For more information, click here.

Full info on the walk follows.

Sunday, June 9, 10 a.m.
Special DeKorte Park Plant Walk
Join us for a free two-hour plant walk with botanist Edith Wallace. We will be looking for the plants that attract birds and butterflies, and which ones would work in your home gardens. Past walks with Edith have been a delight. We’ll keep an eye out for birds and butterflies, too. The walk is run by the N.J. Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society. Check for last-minute weather updates. You will have to sign a standard liability release that is good for NJMC/BCAS events throughout the year. To rsvp, contact Don Torino of the BCAS at or 201-230-4983.