Monthly Archives: April 2016

Losen Slote Walk This Sunday!

Losen slote in autumn

Join the Bergen County Audubon Society this Sunday, May 1, for a nature walk through Losen Slote Creek Park in Little Ferry. The free walk through this scenic urban woodland is from 10 am to noon and we’ll be looking for warblers, spring migrants and other birds of interest. It will be muddy, so bring boots and bug spray.

Losen Slote Creek Park is one of  the last stands of hardwood lowland forest in the Meadowlands District and the last that is accessible to the general public. Check the blog tomorrow morning for BCAS President Don Torino’s column on Losen Slote.

Losen Slote Creek Park is located at the end of Mehrhof Road. For directions click here. Information: or 201-230-4983.

Rare Eurasian Wigeon Sighting at DeKorte Park This Morning

Eurasian Wigeon 1

Chris Takacs sent in a photo of a Eurasion Wigeon he photographed at DeKorte Park this morning. The bird is rare for the area and the State, and is usually seen in the winter. The Wigeon was first seen Sunday afternoon by several people. Mike Sherman saw the male dabbling duck again this morning and alerted the birding community. Hopefully our newfound friend hangs out for a few more days.

Blue-Winged Teal Spotted at Mill Creek Marsh

Blue-Winged Teal from Mill Crk Marsh Apr 23 2016 SIGNED Liberty Valance

While Green-Winged Teal are common in North Jersey for much of the year, Blue-Winged Teal … not so much. So we were very excited to get this photo from Liberty Valance via Mickey Raine of the migratory bird she saw at Mill Creek Marsh on Saturday. Ray Duffy spotted the male – the female was nowhere in sight – and let Liberty know as they passed each other on the Mill Creek Marsh trail.

Great teamwork and a reminder why it’s always great to head out to the Meadowlands, as you just might catch a glimpse of a rare bird for these parts.

Blue-Winged Teal Spotted at Mill Creek Marsh

Blue-Winged Teal from Mill Crk Marsh Apr 23 2016 SIGNED Liberty Valance

While Green-Winged Teal are common in North Jersey for much of the year, Blue-Winged Teal … not so much. So we were very excited to get this photo from Liberty Valance via Mickey Raine of the migratory bird she saw at Mill Creek Marsh on Saturday. Ray Duffy spotted the male – the female was nowhere in sight – and let Liberty know as they passed each other on the Mill Creek Marsh trail.

Great teamwork and a reminder why it’s always great to head out to the Meadowlands, as you just might catch a glimpse of a rare bird for these parts.

Nice Photos and They Came Out Smelling Like a Rose!

Mickey Raine risked harboring a horrible scent to get these nice shots of this notorious critter in Schmidt’s Woods last Friday.

Mickey writes: While at Schmidt’s Woods to explore any new characters from the avian world, this furry black and white appeared into the scene. Ron Shields and his friend, Ethan, noticed it, so we followed its movement as it was busily foraging through the shrubs and ground for lunch.  It was amusing to see how it did this, and it had been mindful of our presence, often keeping us in its sight, but not afraid, by any means, for we all know it capabilities.

Nature offers so many surprises and learning experiences.  Birds are not the only critters to see when out in some of these known sites for birding, but groundhogs, muskrats, foxes, and even the very rare otters can be seen on any given day.

In Bloom at DeKorte

Regina Geoghan noted that among our many bird phots folks might like to see some of the spring bloom colors at DeKorte. We agree! Thanks to Regina for these photos taken over the weekend.

Saturday Unique Photo Walk Recap


Jim Wright led a walk at DeKorte yesterday with Unique Photo’s Michael Downey and Tamron’s Ken Hubbard. Jim writes on his Celery Farm and Beyond Blog that participants saw 36 birds, “including lots of Greater Yellowlegs, a pair of Forster’s Terns, lots of swallows, an uncooperative Yellow Warbler, the Caruso of Song Sparrows, a dozen Great Egrets, and a Snowy or two.”

Check out the full list and more photos here.