Monthly Archives: August 2008

BIRDING: Weekend report

  Several good birds were seen over the weekend, including this sora along the Marsh Discovery Trail in Lyndhurst on Saturday.  Photographer Kevin Watson got this distant shot.
   After three marbled godwits were seen at Harrier Meadow on Friday, Birder John Workman reported 4 juvenile moorhens at Kearny Marsh the same morning, and birder Ray Duffy got a photo of one there later that day (Click here).  Duffy also had a Caspian tern over Mill Creek Marsh in Secaucus on Saturday.

   No recent white ibis sightings, but stay tuned.

HARRIER MEADOW: No ibis today but…

  We did see three marbled godwits (thanks to birder Fred Weber), a semi-palmated plover, two peregrine falcons, an osprey, and a diamondback terrapin (below) — among other sightings on two trips to Harrier Meadow today.
   The Meadow will be open to the public on a limited basis during the Meadowlands Festival of Birding, and we are in the process of setting up some guided tours of the site.
   Click here for more on Harrier Meadow and birding festival.

Measuring sea-level rise


    The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission is participating in a federal program to measure sea levels  as part of the commission’s efforts to assess the vitality of its marshes and to prepare for flooding that could result from global warming.
    Measurements using a nifty gizmo Img_0528_2 called a sediment elevation table (pictured to right) are being taken by  NJMC’s scientific arm,
the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute (MERI). 
 The Meadowlands Commission’s sea-level monitoring is one of the first of its kind in New Jersey.

   Click "Continue reading" to learn more about sea-level rise and why it is significant to the region’s marshes. 

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RAY DUFFY REPORTS: North Arlington

   Img_0521_2 Birder Ray Duffy of Secaucus went with NJMC Naturalist Michael Newhouse to see the white ibis yesterday afternoon to no avail, but as reported, he did see two female bobolinks (one pictured at right).
   Later, he walked around the Marsh Discovery trail and the Saw Mill Creek trail south along the powerline trail. He found a Caspian tern out of the mudflats.

  Click "Continue reading" for his full report.

 Coming up: Report on white ibis hunt today

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    Meadowlands Commission Naturalist Michael Newhouse reports: 
   Yesterday, Kate Ruskin of New Jersey Audubon spotted a juvenile White Ibis in Harrier Meadow [see description of this North Arlington site in next post].
   Commission staffers saw the bird again this morning. 
   This area is restricted to the public, but if anyone would like to try for the bird during working hours, please contact me at 201-460-1095 or email me at michael.newhouse (at)

Click "Continue reading" to see a list of other birds seen at the site this morning.

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