Want to learn more about astronomy?
Check out the monthly courses at the William D. McDowell Observatory in DeKorte Park, Lyndhurst.
Here's what's on tap:
February Learning Sessions, Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m., Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24
Light, Telescopes, Astronomical Instrumentation: The Basics & What We Have Learned from Their Use.
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Tomorrow: The observatory's public viewing schedule for February.
Maximum Number of Participants for the Feb. course: 15 per class, pre-registration required.
To register: In-person or online: rst2.edu/meadowlandsreg/rege.asp
Check-in at the NJMC Center for Environmental and Scientific Education.
Cost: $20 for the 4-week session.
*The Meadowlands Environment Center is certified as a State of N.J. Professional Development Provider (PDP ID 324). Each 2-hour session translates to 2 hours of professional development credit.