Back when wetlands were just swamps….

   This 32-year-old diorama, found in the Kearny Library attic, showed how part of the Kearny brackish marsh could be converted to office parks.

   IMG_3631-2 In the photo at left, you can see where the eastern spur of the Turnpike crosses the Hackensack River.

The office park (and one to the west)  would have been placed on filled wetlands next to a railroad siding near the river.
    This was in the waning days of an era where planners thought wetlands were swamps, to be filled and developed.

     These days, almost everyone understands that marshes are vital parts of the eco-system, providing everything from wildlife habitat and the filtering of impurities in water to flood control.

     More on the value of the Meadowlands' marshes here.

    (Thanks to the Kearny Public Library for passing along the diorama.)

16 thoughts on “Back when wetlands were just swamps….

  1. Adrian

    Soooo happy for you!! I KNOW that was not an easy ride!!! Taos stole my heart a few years ago, and I so long to return. I know that Taos is where I boenlg. The mountains have such a protective energy, and it is such a high spiritual place.Love to hear your story about Mother of Taos when you are ready. I have heard that the Masculine energy of the Mountain will not accept men who will not live in harmony. They get out of balance and leave. I know when the time is right I will move to Taos, and once I do move there- I know I will find home.Blessings to you and your family. I feel the mountain tested your intentions. So glad you stayed true to your hearts.

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