On Monday, the William D. McDowell Observatory in DeKorte Park begins a new month of free observation nights on Monday and Wednesdays at 9 p.m.
Each free session focuses on two major objects on the night sky, plus one or two other celestial objects or events depending on the observing conditions.
Observing is weather dependent and will be canceled for that night if the skies are cloudy at the beginning of the observing session.
Click "Continue reading …" to view entire June observatory schedule.
June Schedule:
1st & 3rd – Moon, Saturn, Arcturus, M13, (Vega, Alberio, Double-Double, M57 Late)
8th & 10th – Moon, Saturn, Arcturus, M13, (Vega, Alberio, Double-Double, M57 Late)
15th & 17th – Saturn, Vega, Alberio, Double-Double, M13, M57
22nd & 24th – Saturn, Vega, Alberio, Double-Double, M13, M57
29th – Moon, Saturn, Vega, Alberio, Double-Double, M13, M57
M-13 – Great globular cluster in Hercules
M-57 – Ring Nebula, Messier 57 is often regarded as the prototype of a planetary nebula.
Capacity: 25, admission is on a first come, first served basis.
Ages: All ages, children must be accompanied by an adult
Check-in at the NJMC Center for Environmental and Scientific Education.
Note: In order to access the observatory telescope, a visitor must be able to climb 25 steps (nine steps, a landing,16 steps) in a spiral formation. The stairs have a railing on either side, with the railings approximately 2 feet apart.
Please contact the Meadowlands Environment Center offices at least one week prior to visiting to request disability related accommodations for equal access.