Daily Archives: November 8, 2009

Bird Reports 110809 Part II

  Neil Maruca sez: "Meadowlands was birdy, but not a lot of rarities. Highlights:

Mehrhof Pond– 520 Ruddy Ducks, 11 Ring Necks, 8 Lesser Scaup, 6 Hooded
Valley Brook Rd– Red Shouldered Hawk
DeKorte– Dowitcher sp. (probably Long Billed), 30 Greater Yellowlegs, 120
Kearny East-100+ Pintails, Great Cormorant

Bird Reports 110809

  Ray Duffy sez: "I got my first fall Fox Sparrows in Schmidt’s today (Saturday). There were 2 that I saw and I think a third calling."

  Julie McCall reports: "There was a very cooperative brant (presumably the same bird from the earlier post?) there again today (Saturday), keeping company with a pair of Canada Geese. Closest look I've gotten of one. They're quite pretty birds."