Monthly Archives: April 2010

Seal Seen in Hackensack River at Carlstadt

Seal on dock

   This Harbor Seal was spotted this morning not far from the NJMC's Barge Club Marina construction site in Carlstadt. One of the workers there took this shot with his cellphone — hence the tiny size of the image.
   Nick Marucci of the Meadowlands Commission got his own cellphone shot of the (distant) seal after it returned to the water, at right. (Thanks, Nick!)


Forster’s Terns at DeKorte


   Mallav Naik took this shot of two Forster's Terns on the elevated boardwalk near the Meadowlands Environment Center last Monday around 6 p.m. He writes:
    "I visit DeKorte Park quite often and as a landscape photographer I have to say its one of the most beautiful parka in this area.  The sunrise and sunsets are to be marveled.  The city as a backdrop and the unique marsh environment makes for some really stunning pictures.
  "Some of my best photographs were taken this park and will continue to do so every time I visit.  I believe protecting this environment and even perhaps expanding it should be of utmost importance."
   (Thanks, Mallav!)

Meadowlands Earth Day Coverage

   Saw Mill Creek WMA-2New York 1 TV did a neat feature on kids at DeKorte learning about Earth Day. Link is here.
   John Soltes, the editor of The Leader did an Earth Day story on the Hackensack River's comeback, here.
   And My 9 News interviewed the NJMC's Jim Wright about "green guilt," DDT and several other environmental subjects as part of an Earth Day segment.

Bird Report 042310

   Ray Duffy reports:
   "I birded Schmidt's Woods in Secaucus this a.m. [Friday] between 8 and 9.  Lots of White-crowned Sparrows singing and Eastern Towhees.  I had an Black-and-white Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warblers and a probable Orange-crowned."
   As for the Laurel Hill Common ravens, Ray has posted pix here and a video here. (Thanks, Ray!)

Good News on Earth Day

 River at Route 3-2
   Slowly but surely, the Hackensack River is getting healthier, but there’s more work to be done.
    Those are the findings of the first-ever “State of the Hackensack River” review compiled for Earth Day, based on studies by the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission’s scientific arm, the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute, which has monitored water quality in the river for 16 years.
 IMG_8254-2    MERI has been monitoring the percentages of dissolved oxygen in the Hackensack River each season since 1993, and has found that the water quality of has improved significantly.
   Dissolved-oxygen levels – a key to sustaining aquatic life – have increased by 11 percent over that time. MERI now continually takes the river’s pulse through solar-powered water-quality monitoring stations located at four sites along the Hackensack year-round.
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Don’t Miss Earth Day at DeKorte

   The NJMC's  Earth Day 2010 Celebration tomorrow (Thursday) is a day of free, fun and educational eco-friendly activities for all ages to celebrate Earth Day. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    Programming includes nature walks, craft projects for kids, green living workshops, giveaways and more.
    All programs will be held in Lyndhurst at the Meadowlands Environment Center and in surrounding DeKorte Park, a one-square mile urban oasis of  wetlands, nature trails and water views, all framed by the New York City skyline.
     A brown-bag lunchtime Green Living Program includes discussions on green landscaping and composting, recycling, and green shopping. For more information, call 201-460-1700 or click here to download flier with specific times.
   Details on the Earth Day Bird Walk at 10 a.m. follow.

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