We had another great turnout for our First-Sunday-of-the-Month Walk at DeKorte Park, with plenty of shorebirds and aprroximately 40 people.
Highlights included a Peregrine Falcon early, Short- and Long-billed Dowitchers, plenty of peeps and yellowlegs, Osprey, and many Forster's Terns and Barn Swallows. Some of us also had a Baltimore Oriole and by the Environment Center.
A big thank-you to all who turned out — and braved the threatening skies to get a great look at Meadowlands nature…
Daily Archives: August 1, 2010
Hudson Reporter Story on Butterfly Day
The Hudson Reporter just published a nice story on last week's Butterfly Day — with plenty of photos. Link is here.
August: Looking Ahead
To help you get a feel for what might be in store for the Meadowlnads for the upcoming month, we thought we would provide links to our top blog posts from August 2009:
August 3: Hummingbird Moths Are Here
August 5: Skeetkill Marsh, Mid-Summer (Above)
August 19: Cedar Waxwing at Harrier Meadow
August 31: More Cormorant Antics
Bird Report: DeKorte 073110
Stephanie Seymour reports: I went to DeKorte from around 8 to 10:30 am this morning.
No luck with Skimmers or my nemesis Least Bittern, but saw some great Forster's Tern action.
I am almost sure I saw 2 Least Terns as well, but since I can't be 100% sure I decided against counting them on eBird.
Also, there were easily like 300 or 400 or maybe even 500 little Least Sandpipers, but eBird makes a fuss if you report those numbers. So I decided to be WAY conservative and say 150.
Saw a gorgeous male Baltimore Oriole, 2 Warbling Vireos, and a few Yellow Warblers all in the same area (take path from second back parking lot into a little tree oasis and that's where all these were).
Full report follows. (Thanks, Steph!)