Bird Report 091010: DeKorte


IMG_0115A lunchtime walk turned up Northern Water Thrush (below), Spotted  Sandpiper (above), Peregrine Falcon (left), Semipalmated Plover, and Killdeer.

We also had the ususal suspects, including peeps, yellowlegs, egrets  and a few dowitchers.

No Sora sighted — perhaps tomorrow, for Bird Fest. IMG_0068

One thought on “Bird Report 091010: DeKorte

  1. Mike G.

    The wind had changed direction since lunchtime and was blowing a steady ENE by 5:00, getting steadily heavier the further out on the Discovery Trail you went. There was a Northern Shoveler posing for photos by the first outdoor classroom, along with what looked to be a few Western Sandpipers in view of the parking lot, but not much else other than the usual suspects the further out you went. There were some smaller ducks (that were not ruddys and might have been teals) further out in the north pool, but without a scope it was impossible to tell for certain what they were.
    The weather forecast predicts that the winds will lessen overnight, and that we will have a perfect day for Saturday’s Birding Festival. Let’s keep our fingers crossed ….


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