Monk Parakeet Update

The Monk Parakeets of Ridgefield were doing fine when we checked earlier this week.

They are not only living in their old nests under the causeway, above the railroad tracks, but a few are also hanging out in the nest boxes (above) built last spring when the bridge was repaired.

They live in the nests year-round. We figure there are at least 30 in this colony.

Previous posts on the parakeets are here. Directions to the parakeets are in the left-hand column. The birds themselves are easy to find. Just listen for the squawking.

One thought on “Monk Parakeet Update

  1. MR

    We stopped by and took pictures of the parakeets today. They are thriving! They’ve got nests under the overpass (2) and in the man-made boxes.


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