Parakeet Found at DeKorte

IMG_0644 Since Tuesday, we have had a light blue Parakeet hanging out in the trees by the Environment Center and the plaza and amphitheater by the Administration Building.

He does not answer to the name "Frosty."

If you are missing a light-blue Parakeet or would like a pet, you are welcome to come to DeKorte and [try to] get him.

We suspect he might have been simply released here — it happens from time to time, unfortunately.


2 thoughts on “Parakeet Found at DeKorte

  1. Val

    I wish people wouldn’t release pet birds. If not wanted, at least give it up for adoption. They do not know how to survive in the wild having been bred. The poor bird will probably die. How sad.

  2. Mike G.

    It will definitely die if someone can’t catch it. Who knows how many days this bird can find food for itself. It is staying local to the birdbath at DeKorte, and was still there as of 4:30 p.m. today. Whoever released may have thought they were “setting it free”, or some such nonsense.


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